The 20th Festival of Lights – back again at the Nikolai Quarter

The 20th Festival of Lights – back again at the Nikolai Quarter We are excited that the Festival of Lights will once again enchant the Nikolai Quarter with its staged light shows this year. In 2024, the festival’s motto is “Celebrating Freedom” and it will...

World Cleanup Day 2024 at Nikolaiviertel

World Cleanup Day 2024 at Nikolaiviertel World Cleanup Day is the world’s largest bottom-up citizens’ movement to clean up the environment. It first took place in 2018, back then in 157 countries and with 17.6 million participants. The number of...

Work has begun on the new Mühlendamm bridge

Work has begun on the new Mühlendamm bridge The Mühlendamm bridge on the south-eastern side of the Nikolai quarter is being rebuilt. Why this is necessary and what it means for our neighborhood. The Senate Department for Mobility, Transport, Climate Protection and the...

Eiergasse: Berlin’s shortest street

Eiergasse: Berlin’s shortest street There are many anecdotes in and around the Nikolaiviertel. One of them is how the city’s shortest street got its name. It’s still called Eiergasse to this day, is one of our most loved photo motifs and connects...

Nikolaiviertel in person: Sabine Matusch and the KugelEi

Nikolaiviertel in person: Sabine Matusch and the KugelEi Over the Easter weekend, Sabine Matusch celebrated her 25th KugelEi anniversary in the Nikolaiviertel with a big courtyard party. Plenty of reason for a conversation about the past, present and future....